Friday, October 2, 2009

New Meds.

So this monday I had a appointment with my pain management doctor, Dr. Deshpande, and it was a big appointment.
We talked about my pain and how bad it really was. He decided to put me on a new pain medicine Embeda, which is pretty much time released Morphine. Then we decided for my breakthrough pain and/or flare ups that I should take my Lortab (also known as Vicodin.)Also we talked about how I haven't been able to sleep so he also put me on Lunesta.So as of Now I am taking Lunesta 3mg @ night, Lorab 10/500mg as needed, and Embeda 20-0.8mg 2xday. I hate having to take so much medicine but I got to take them so that I can function.
I need to get to my general practitioner soon because there are some other things wrong with my body that might be a side effect of the amount of meds I have taken the last 2 years.
Also I am seeing if my pain doctor will approve me getting a scooter or a wheelchair because it is hard for me to get around without extra help.
My pain has spread to up to my left side. So my whole left leg is also taken by the RSD pain. It is frustrating but I am trying to live the best I can.
I started a new fan club called RSD/CRPS Doesn't Own Me on Facebook
> we have over 200 fans who have or know someone who has RSD. I am trying to spread joy and happiness and help all of us who have chronic pain get through this with a smile.

Anyway I am off to eat lunch.



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