My name is Christa aka Kissa and I am battling RSD. My life is hard and it isn't the one I wanted but it is the life I have so I gotta learn to love it and live it!
These last couple of weeks have been rather stressful but now we are only a few days away from the beginning of World Wide RSD Angel Month. For the whole month of March RSD/CRPS Doesn't Own Me is hosting a month filled with celebrating our Battle against RSD. We are looking for testimonies and personal stories straight from RSD Angels themselves.
We hope to collect as many as possible and to have them on our website to spread Awareness about RSD/CRPS. It will be the largest collection of RSD Angel Stories ever!
RSD/CRPS Doesn't Own Me has been growing in leaps and bounds lately. So many people are learning about RSD and why we struggle each day to stay positive and live our lives.
Also our store is growing as well. We have almost tripled our products within the last 3 months.
Check out RSD/CRPS Doesn't Own Me's store at all of the proceeds go to Continued Awareness, and expansion of Awareness about RSD/CRPS. We are fighting this battle every day and we are working hard to win this war against RSD/CRPS. We will have a cure!