So We had a Formal Dance at Church this past Friday and all of my gal pals went as each others date. I went and got my hair done early in the day and then all of us girls....well me Tara and Darc went and got Tara an outfit for the dance then got home late and got ready fast then went picked up our friend Amy and went to eat @ Panera Bread and we had a blast!

We then got to the Dance a little late but had a blast and I got a little of dancing in before having to sit the rest of the nite in pain. We sat around and talked and just had a blast I took a video of all the craziness and its funny!
We had an awesome time and then after we tired of the dance we went back to Darc's and we watched "Sister's Keeper."
Then on Saturday me and my boyfriend Joey went with his aunt and uncle to a Nativity. It was awesome! But now because I was out in the cold my RSD leg hates me. But yea it was a lot of fun! I loved it!
Anyway I have updated the RSD/CRPS Doesn't Own Me Website and its awesome!!!!
You should check it out!
Top- Is Me!
Middle- Amy and Me
Bottom-Joey and Me