Thursday, January 21, 2010

Quick Update Now!

So the next few weeks are gonna be crazy busy.....I am so nervous about it and I pray that everything is going to go ok. I have one movie premier the end of Jan and one the first week of February. I have planned the one at Bobby Mackey's myself. I am very nervous and hope it goes over well. We will be signing autographs and showing the movie starting at 7 on the 6th of Feb. Then on the 30th of Jan. we have the McConnelsville Opera House Premier and Public Investigation. This will be our third Open Public Investigation there and I am really looking forward to it!
Then the weekend after that Joey is taking me Camping.....I am very excited!

Monday, January 11, 2010

My pain has jumped up through the roof lately. Maybe because of all the stress I have been under. I had to go to church yesterday cause I am in charge of some service stuff. So I was there from 9 till almost 1:30. Then I had to go change and go to Tara's to hang out. By the time I got there I was dead. My whole leg was shooting pain and I wanted to die. So Joey and I decided to go back to his house and see if hanging and chilling there would help. But by the time we got there I was crying just from the vibrations of my car. So he decided that I couldn't drive myself home so I had to stay at his house.
He is soooo very protective of me....I was in so much pain but he didn't want to allow me to be alone.He held me most of the night and tried to calm me when I had bad pain spikes. All in all he is an amazing man. I can't believe how lucky I am to have him. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.
Life is stressful but when I look to the future I tend to have a smile on my face and that is something I haven't really done since before my accident. The future looks very bright! It would be even brighter with some bling bling but I am just saying LOL!
Anyway I am off to lay down and chill for a bit. HUGS!

Saturday, January 9, 2010


So I haven't been writing lately though I don't know who read this blog anymore.....I am pretty much writing for my own sake I guess. New Years was good. Joey and I went over to Kat's House. I helped her plan the party and I ended up dying the whole time there and my ankle blew up to the size of a house. Just the left one aka my RSD Ankle. I am sooooo frustrated with my RSD in general and also I am frustrated with Workman's Comp!
I woke up this morning and my mother gave me a report from an email I got about my Workman's Comp case stating that I really didn't have RSD that is is really cause I am overweight and to put a horrible cherry on top of all that stated they called my mother enabling!
How can they get off saying things like that?! I am the one with the Neurological disease called RSD not my mother....she has nothing to do with this!!! How dare they attack her?! I can deal with what they say about me because I am used to it but bringing my mother into this is the last fricking straw! You thinking I was fighting barely before but now they brought my family into this and now it is all out war now!
You try to help your family while you want to crawl into a ball and die because the pain is through the roof and your whole leg is spasming!? I would like to see any of those pencil pushers deal half of what I deal with on a daily basis! UG! I just can't believe it!
Anyway enough being pissed off at the state.
Sorry if this offended anyone.....I am just sooo tired of bending over backwards and being in this horrid pain. I just want to be able to sleep without having to use a sleep aid because I can't fall asleep or stay asleep because of my pain. I am tired of dealing with the shocks and the swelling within my legs. I am tired of people not believing me!
I am so tired that I just wanna run away but that isn't possible! I am injured! I just wanna get better. I am 22 years old! I have dreams I wanna be a regular member of society and I just want my life back!
